Meet our deserving winners and read their bios

= multi-year scholarships awarded

2023 Winners

Gabriel Ribeiro

2023 Scholarship Winner
Mulberry High School
Valencia College

Gabriel graduated from Mulberry High School in May 2023 and will attend Valencia College this Fall.

He played Varsity Soccer for 4 years. Gabriel was Captain for his Travel Cub Soccer Team. He was able to lead his Mulberry High School soccer team to the District Championship in 2020.

He wants to be able to have a certain financial freedom and help his family with some of their needs. He wants to graduate from college and have a good career and work himself up in a company until becoming a Corporate Manager. He also wants to accomplish all his extra-curricular goals. Gabriel strongly believes that the challenges we face develop our character and expose our inner strength. He grew up in Belo Horizonte, Brazil in a neighborhood called Eldorado. It is hard for him to explain to most people born in America the difference in the quality of education, security and opportunities that exist between the two countries.

He has been blessed to have a mother that worked hard to get her master’s degree in business. She also had the drive and ambition to leave Brazil alone and come to America for better opportunities for both of us. They spoke no English when they came to America and he had to compete since I was 14 years old in middle school and high school all while learning a new language, culture and leaving friends and the only life he knew.

Gabriel had to overcome all these new things that were happening in his life at the same time. Soccer was the major help that made him focus and dedicate himself for the best. Without knowing the English language, the coach had to show him every tactic, every play using drawings for him to be able to understand.

Because of that, today he loves soccer from the bottom of his heart. If wasn’t for the coach, he would not know if he would accomplish everything that he had achieved.

Gabriel has maintained a 3.42 GPA, but it does not tell his entire story or even scratch the surface of his potential. He has mastered English now, received the top scorer award on his Mulberry High School soccer team and had a phenomenal senior year academically. He feels very strongly that he will continue to flourish in college as he has come so far in his acculturation to the United States of America.

To answer any questions succinctly, his past home country history and culture have driven Gabriel to succeeded despite the obstacles he has had to face. He has learned the language and culture of America, has the family and community support and is very motivation to accomplish all his goals in college.

Tristan Vann

2023 Scholarship Winner
Lake Gibson High School
Football & Wrestling
Keiser University

Tristan graduated from Lake Gibson High School in May 2023 and his employer was Planet Fitness. He will attend Keiser University this fall 2023 and plans to play varsity football. He played Varsity Football 4 Years and Varsity Wrestling 4 Years while in high school. He was Varsity Football Team Captain and selected by his coaching staff for demonstrating leadership abilities and earning respect of his teammates. Tristan was one of the leaders of the wrestling team that won 4 Florida State Team Titles. He was a member of the Health Academy, which emphasizes leadership in the healthcare industry. He earned his Certified Nursing Assistant License and Certified EKG technician while in high school.

Tristan was selected to attend the Aspiring Youth Summit, where he further developed his leadership skills and learned from other accomplished leaders. He preformed over 100 community service hours to a high needs school, Jesse Keen Elementary School during high school. He wants to become an Academic All American while playing football at Keiser University. He hopes to pursue a graduate degree in Physical Therapy and become a licensed Physical Therapist. Tristan’s long term goal is to open his own physical therapy clinic.

My name is Tristan Vann, and I was given a second chance at life. One beautiful summer day when I was eight months old, I, along with my brother and cousins, was playing in my aunt’s pool while my parents were at work. In an instant, as my aunt turned her attention to the other children, I slipped out of my floaty and, being still an infant, descended to the bottom of the pool. By the time my aunt rescued me, my heart had completely stopped. Being a nurse, she immediately started CPR and called 911 for help. The time between the paramedics’ arrival at the house and when we reached the hospital was agonizing for my parents as their minds raced faster than the car would carry them. Would their rambunctious little boy be alive once they got to him? Fortunately, the life-saving measures of the paramedics have allowed me to tell this story today. Although it was a horrific moment in time, the dedication of these medical professionals has given me an inherent desire to forge the absolute best life possible for myself.

Most people view me as competitive, and yes, I like to win. Whether it’s organized sports, academics, or just games with friends and family, I want to be the best. I have taken numerous AP and Dual Enrollment classes, am enrolled in the Medical Academy, and have maintained a 4.3 GPA. I am a three-time Dual State Champion Wrestler, Football Team Captain, and received the Florida Coaches Association Honorable Mention. But always striving to be the best sometimes comes at a cost and is often humbling. While my drive to excel burns inside of me, I am often fighting against outside forces over which I have little control.

During my sophomore year, I injured my shoulder while playing football. Once wrestling season began, it became clear that I needed to get treatment. An MRI revealed that I had fully torn my labrum and would need surgery. This setback was discouraging as I knew I would be sidelined. I was devastated by the idea that the next few months would be time spent at doctors’ appointments and doing exercises at physical therapy instead of working with my teammates at practice and doing drills on the field. So, I made a commitment to myself to work hard in physical therapy after my surgery and it paid off. After only 4 months, I was ready to do once again what I loved. I owe so much to my physical therapist for helping me get through the tough times and enabling me to get back on the football field sooner than expected.

Later that same year, I faced another obstacle. In the weeks just prior to football playoffs, I broke my hand during practice. And of course, it was no ordinary break. The x-ray revealed that my hand would not heal naturally and would require surgery to implant six screws that I will have for the rest of my life. I stared physical therapy following surgery and once again worked tirelessly to get back on the field as quickly as possible. All the while, I didn’t give up on football. I was at practices and games serving as a leader and encouraging the team to be their best. My physical therapist supported me every step of the way as I made enough progress to be cleared to play two months later, only to learn our team had just been knocked out of the playoffs. I didn’t allow that setback to affect my spirit though. I accepted that reality and poured all my energy into wrestling, resulting in the best season of my life going 32-12.

I have had some hurdles in my life, but I have not let my unfortunate circumstances throw me off track. I’ve seen my own complacency cause me to stumble. But I also know that my persistence inspires others. Of course, I am indebted to my aunt for her swift action and keen medical knowledge in helping to save my life. And I am eternally grateful for the physical therapists who helped me recover from my injuries so I could soar over those hurdles and be even better than I was before. Now, it’s my turn. I want to give someone else a second chance. The past four years in the Medical Academy have given me a solid foundation on which to build my career. I plan to pursue a career in the medical field as a Physician Assistant. I hope that one day, my medical expertise will make the difference in the life of one parent or child, and they will look back on that experience as just a moment in time made better by someone who didn’t give up.